The Life Story of Lester Oscal and the Impact of the Colegio Privado Enrique Novella Alvarado

14 June 2024

Lester Oscar, a former student of the Colegio Privado Enrique Novella Alvarado (ENA), exemplifies how education and institutional support can transform lives. Coming from the village of El Sinaca, in Sanarate del Progreso, Lester studied up to sixth grade in a rural school in his community. However, his educational journey took a significant turn when he enrolled in ENA for basic education.

From the first year at ENA, Lester experienced holistic training that went beyond academics. Every morning, the school held an initial assembly where the value of the month was presented and motivational and educational talks were offered. This focus on values and personal development was crucial for Lester, as it provided a solid foundation that remains fundamental in his daily and professional life.

“The values training I received at school still serves me day-to-day, especially in my work,” comments Lester. Through these morning activities, the school not only focused on academic growth but also on the formation of individuals with solid principles.

In addition to personal support, Lester also received significant assistance in his academic development. Thanks to the Fundación Carlos F. Novella and ENA, Lester had the opportunity to continue his higher education. This help was crucial for him and his family, who will always be grateful for the support received. “Every action has a really big impact in life. I feel that God places the right people in one’s life for a purpose,” says Lester.

The scholarship granted to Lester not only allowed him to continue at school but also opened the doors to university, providing him with better academic preparation and future opportunities. This support was not only a source of joy for Lester but also for his family, especially his mother, who was deeply pleased to know that her son could continue his education.

Lester Oscar recognizes and thanks the Colegio Privado Enrique Novella Alvarado and the Fundación Carlos F. Novella for the positive impact on his life. His story is a testament to the power of education and institutional support in shaping young people with values and aspirations.jóvenes con valores y aspiraciones.

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