Mejores Familias
We promote the formation of women, recognizing their capacity as agents of change to improve the nutritional status of their children, fostering the development of healthy and productive individuals.
Thematic focus

- El Progreso
- San Juan Sacatepéquez

Factoría Ciudadana
We contribute to improving the living conditions and social reintegration of ex-prisoners and returned migrants, aiming to reduce violence and irregular migration.
Thematic focus

- Chimaltenango
- Escuintla
- San José Pinula
- San Miguel Petapa
- Villa Nueva
- Guatemala City
Cursos Libres
We develop technical, academic, commercial, and productive skills through training focused on entrepreneurship to contribute to the construction of sustainable communities.
Thematic focus

- El Progreso
- San Juan Sacatepéquez

Construcción Ciudadana
We promote community through modeling civic values and developing individual and collective capacities. Our program comprises four different projects:
- Citizen participation project for young people.
- Pedagogical awareness project for trainers.
- Peace education project for public servants and community leaders.
- Institutional strengthening project for public officials.
Thematic focus

- El Progreso
- San Juan Sacatepéquez
- Guatemala City
- Suchitepéquez
- Quetzaltenango
- Virtual
Centro Educativo Estuardo Novella Camacho -CENCA
We offer youth and adults aged 13 and older the opportunity to continue their studies through a flexible methodology based on projects and the development of technical competencies and value modeling.
Thematic focus

- El Progreso
- San Juan Sacatepéquez

Museo Carlos F. Novella
We promote the industrial and cultural heritage of Progreso and the Novella Family both nationally and internationally. The museum was established by the 4th generation descendants of Carlos F. Novella to tell the story of his life and the industry he founded 125 years ago. It houses a historical archive where objects, photographs, and documents from Progreso are cataloged and preserved, detailing the history of the construction industry in Guatemala, important both for the company and the country.
Thematic focus