Acompáñame a Crecer
We promote the timely development of children from conception to 4 years of age, supporting their enjoyment of basic rights in compliance with the country’s cultural and bilingual diversity standards.
Thematic focus

- El Progreso
- San Juan Sacatepéquez

Cimentando las Bases
We seek to strengthen learning processes in children in preschool, first and second grade through reinforcement and construction of reading processes.
Thematic focus

- El Progreso
- San Juan Sacatepéquez
- Suchitepéquez
- Guatemala City
Capacitación de Maestros de Preprimaria y Primer Grado
We aim to develop in our teachers the necessary skills to strengthen the comprehensive development of preschool and first-grade children, addressing aspects such as psychomotor development, reading, expression, and curriculum integration.
Thematic focus

- El Progreso
- San Juan Sacatepéquez
- Suchitepéquez
- Guatemala City
- Santo Domingo Xenacoj

Escuela de Música Carlos F. Novella
We promote art and culture through musical practice as a means of social inclusion and value formation for our children and young people with artistic aptitudes.
Thematic focus

- Guatemala City
Colegio Privado Enrique Novella Alvarado- ENA
Our institution offers an educational model for training ethical, supportive leaders committed to the development of their environment. The school was founded on March 11, 1977, by Enrique Novella Alvarado for the population of the village El Sinaca, after the 1976 earthquake. Initially called Escuela Enrique Novella Alvarado, it was officially authorized as Colegio Privado Enrique Novella Alvarado in 1999.
Thematic focus

- El Progreso
- San Juan Sacatepéquez

Escuela Sociodeportiva
We provide a space for value formation and the development of sports skills in social, tactical-technical, physical-motor, and regulatory areas for our children and youth aged 5 to 17.
Thematic focus

- El Progreso
- San Juan Sacatepéquez
- Guatemala City
Paso a Paso
We contribute to the development of psychobiosocial skills in girls and adolescents aged 9 to 14 through educational activities, fostering awareness of their leading role in promoting positive changes at the personal, family, and community levels.
Thematic focus

- El Progreso
- San Juan Sacatepéquez
- Guatemala City
- Santo Domingo Xenacoj