Cimentando las Bases: School for Parents Addresses Child Nutrition

14 June 2024

The “Cimentando las Bases” program held the second school for parents focused on child nutrition and healthy lunchboxes. This event took place in San Juan Sacatepéquez and El Progreso, with more than 300 parents participating.

During this school for parents, attendees participated in various activities designed to teach them basic concepts of child nutrition and the crucial role they play in their children’s diet. Participants also learned to prepare healthy lunchbox recipes and compared the cost of these with junk food options like cup noodles and sodas. This exercise aimed to raise awareness that a healthy and nutritious diet does not necessarily mean high cost.

The massive attendance of over 300 parents at the different venues was significant for the organization, as child nutrition is one of the program’s transversal axes. The active participation of parents is fundamental to achieving meaningful learning in children, thus ensuring their integral development and well-being.

Through these actions, the Fundación Carlos F. Novella reaffirms its commitment to nutritional education and the promotion of healthy eating habits from an early age, highlighting the importance of parental involvement in this essential process.proceso esencial.

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